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About me

Jackie Harris, Retired NYC Correction Officer also known as B.Pro, went from correcting inmates to correcting the health and wealth of her clients, taking them to their next level (health is the real wealth). Jackie invests in people by adding value to their lives, making her interactions transformational, not transactional. Jackie is a professional student, researcher, motivator, rebel credit card trader, board-certified holistic practitioner, blood flow expert, anti-aging specialist, functional nutritionist, licensed life insurance agent, personal trainer, and serial affiliate marketer, just to name a few. If you're looking for a shortcut to preventative health and wealth, look no further. Jackie's services are free; she prefers her clients to spend money on themselves and not on her. Jackie only charges if she has to repeat the process twice because time is currency. Time waits for no one, why she lives life to the fullest because you only die once. For more information, visit
Appointments with B.Pro (845) 502-6529
Monday - Friday 12:30 PM (EST) - 10 PM (EST)
Get comfortable feeling uncomfortable.
G❤️D B.

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